Wow is all I can say...except wow, it's beyond belief finding out that someone lies about you, flat out makes shit up about you, for even just a tiny fraction of a miniscule amount of glory.
We've got a new #1 bad guy - Steve Cooper, aka the Conservative Monster. This guy must be so pathetic, his life so miserable, that he literally makes shit up about someone out of thin air, just to receive a tiny little attaboy from his tiny little group of nutcase followers. Like so many of his ilk, concepts like integrity and honor are just too shackling to one who apparently fantasizes himself as a major force in bithermania.
here's exactly what went down, and how the Conservative Monster (oooh, is he Ed Hale's Bigfoot??) went from total unknown to #1 in less 24 hours.
1. Lying Lucas Smith, master of fake Kenyan birth certificates, was whining yesterday at his YouTube site about someone named Sean, and also whining that he can't do an interview with Steve Cooper on August 18th.
2. Since Lucas is a fraud, I thought I would be a nice guy and find out who Steve Cooper was, and warn the guy that Lucas was bad news.
3. Thus began the following series of emails:
From: John Dean
To: cnintruth
Sent: Tue, Aug 10, 2010 9:09 pm
Subject: Lucas Smith is a fraud, here's proof
I have no idea who you are, or who Sean Boyer is, but Lucas Smith is a fraud.
I noticed he was whining on his YouTube channel.
Fact is, it is Lucas who claims to have supernatural experiences. Perhaps this Sean Boyer was making fun of him.
This is Lucas' scam from 2-3 years ago, when he tried to sell his house by claiming the Virgin Mary visited his house, talked to him thru a "Metronoma" machine, and he floated outside his house into another place, and more.
Believe anything he says, at your own risk. Including his fake Kenyan BC.
Subject: Re: Lucas Smith is a fraud, here's proof
Date: Tuesday, August 10, 2010, 6:29 PM
Hi John,
Sean mentioned that Lucas was in trouble in the past. Also, I know that WND claim that this document is a clever forgery, but I will let him speak. You people will decide.
Where does it say Lucas Smith was selling that house in Iowa?
Thanks for the tip,
Steve Cooper
The Conservative
From: John Dean
Subject: Re: Lucas Smith is a fraud, here's proof
Date: Tuesday, August 10, 2010, 7:05 PM
Hi Steve,
Thanks for your reply.
There's a lot more than just that house, when it comes to Lucas. I am surprised you appear to be unaware.
Here's a Wikipedia requested deletions page, which shows Lucas' attempts at deleting previous history about himself.
He's attempted to delete mentions of several items, such as his phony book Murder by Tejuana, and his older Ebay name colmado_scarlette, which he used 2-3 years ago, before he became colmado_naranja and tried to auction his fake BC.
And here's Lucas when he went by "The Book Thief," and claimed to live in LA, and make $3,000,000 per year.
"The Book Thief" is a good name for him, since he actually steals books and then sells then on Ebay.
This is Lucas' newest Ebay name, "preferred_customer_206." The last 4-5 "sells" shown on this feedbakc list were all the same book, which according to his ex-partner in crime Charles E. Lincoln, he stole from Barnes and Noble.
This post at Free republic probably sums things up best:
And here's something about his long police record, for forgery, theft, throwing oil on coworkers, and stuff.
Steve, you and I are not of the same political persuasion, but when it comes to Lucas, I'll warn anyone. He's bad news.
Good luck!
From: John Dean
To: cnintruth
Sent: Tue, Aug 10, 2010 10:22 pm
Subject: Re: Lucas Smith is a fraud, here's proof
Sorry, here's one more link to check out, his address in Cedar Rapids is mentioned, and more about his police record, including his attempt to scam folks using one of his kidneys as bait.
Like I said, good luck if you get involved with him!
Subject: Re: Lucas Smith is a fraud, here's proof
Date: Tuesday, August 10, 2010, 7:36 PM
I heard a lot of bad things about this guy, but people want to hear what he has to say...
I am curious to hear it as well....I have a feeling it will be interesting :)
Steve Cooper
The Conservative
From: John Dean
To: cnintruth
Sent: Tue, Aug 10, 2010 10:52 pm
Subject: Re: Lucas Smith is a fraud, here's proof
I can't fathom why - he has a fake BC, he's a habitual liar, long police record, and even Jim at Free Republic has banned him, his small group of friends, and most discussion about him.
Good luck!
Subject: Re: Lucas Smith is a fraud, here's proof
Date: Tuesday, August 10, 2010, 8:09 PM
Steve Cooper
The Conservative
From: John Dean
Subject: Re: Lucas Smith is a fraud, here's proof
Date: Tuesday, August 10, 2010, 8:21 PM
I'm not much of a blogger, work too hard during the day, hard to get motivated to deal with "bad guys" at night, weekends almost always busy.
And that was the extent of our conversation.
Now, I clearly mentioned in the second email that he and I were not of the same political persuasion.
But apparently little things like truth don't mean shit to Steve Cooper, who posted this garbage at his Facebook site last night:
"An Obama Bot was just trying to pose as a conservative and he was trying to convince me NOT to interview Lucas Smith....INTERESTING - I will talk more on the radio show Wed night. - STEVE
Steve Cooper makes up shit out of thin air
And so we've got a new #1...congratulations Steve Cooper, aka the Conservative Boogey Man, or Bigfoot, or Blob...or whatever the fuck you are.
Looks like he deleted or hid his page on Facebook...The guy is a nut job- he attended the whole Rev. Manning fake trial. Typical WRNJ...
No, it's still there, dated August 10 at 8:14 PM.
I'm not religious - I'm actually an atheist... however...
How ridiculously blasphemous to use your supposed visit from the Virgin Mary (whether you honestly believe it happened to you (yay delusion!) or you're making it completely up (yay asshat liar!)) to try and sell a house.
Ew, skeezy.
Ummm Sandra, that was Lucas Smith who claimed to be visited by the Virgin Mary, in order to help sell his house - not me.
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